Proud Breeders! WR-HORSES
Also Proud Dad "Cowboy Wr San Jo"
Super Great week at the Ride Of America Show in Wenden (Germany) 19-24/07/21
Congratulations for Jan Hoefkens and Jan Boogaerts!
Thank's also for Steffy Meesen for the grooming and help!
Yellow Gun WR Cowboy (Cowboy Wr San Jo x Selenas Classy Smoke)
made Great Results , this week at is first official show ;
NRCHA Open Pre-Derby Reserve Champion
Reserve Champion Fence Work , Winner takes it all
Reserve Champion Invitational Reining
AQHA Junior Open Reining Champion under both judges
AQHA Junior Open Working Cow under both judges

Gold Rush WR Cowboy (Cowboy Wr San Jo x Arc Oak Diamonds)
with his owner Jan Boogaerts (who made a succesfull comeback in the showpen since his last official show was in 2013)
Champion NRCHA Open Bridle Spectacular
Champion NRCHA Non Pro Bridle
Champion Boxing class